DENTRIX allows you to update treatment plan fees based on user-specified criteria, so you can honor your treatment plan expiration dates by not increasing fees that are still valid but still update fees in cases that have passed their expiration date. To update treatment plan fees:
1. In the Treatment Planner, click the Update Treatment Plan Fees button. The Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog appears.
2. In the Procedure Information tab, expand the Update Treatment Plan Fees For drop-down and select Current Patient or All Patients.
3. In the Update Treatment Plan Procedures With group box, select the range of procedure codes to be updated and/or enter a cut-off date. All treatment plan procedures posted before the cut-off date are updated according to the patient’s current fee schedule.
4. Select the desired Tx Provider to include only those procedures assigned to the selected providers or check All to include all TX Providers.
5. If you selected All Patients in step 2, select the desired billing types or check All to include all patients regardless of billing types.
6. Click the Case Information tab.
7. In the Update Treatment Planned Procedures in Cases With group box, select the desired case statuses to include only those statuses selected or check All to include all statuses.
8. Select the desired Case Financing Flag to include only those cases with the selected financing flags or check All to include all financing flags.
9. Select the desired case Severity to include only those cases with the selected severity or check All to include all severities.
10. Check Exclude Default Treatment Plan to exclude any procedures in the default treatment plan.
11. Check Estimate Expiration Date Before and select a date to include any cases with an expiration date before the selected date.
12. Click Update to update the fees.