At times you may need to see a list of all patients assigned to an insurance plan in Dentrix, for example when you want to join insurance plans or delete an insurance plan. This information can be found by running the Insurance Carrier List. This list has different options to choose from depending on whether you want to see a list of all subscribers (guarantors) or a list of all insured patients. You can also choose to include the provider IDs associated with the plans.
To generate the Insurance Carrier List:
Note: Do not select both the Standard List and Include Subscribers or Dentrix will print two lists: one showing carriers and the other showing carriers with subscribers.
Once printed, it’s important to know how to interpret the information on the list. Here’s a quick guide:
Insurance information (highlighted in yellow in the image) is pulled from the Dental Insurance Plan Information and Insurance Coverage dialog boxes used to set up the insurance plan in Dentrix.
Insurance information appears (highlighted in yellow) followed by the name, birth date, chart number, subscriber number, employer, and family status of each subscriber (highlighted in blue). The report also includes the portion of the subscriber’s deductible that has currently been met and the total number of benefits that have been used year-to-date.
Insurance information appears (highlighted in yellow) followed by the name, birth date, chart number, employer, and family status of each patient associated with the insurance carrier (highlighted in orange). The report also includes the portion of the patient’s deductible that has been currently met and the total benefits that have been used year-to-date. An asterisk (*) next to a name indicates a guarantor. A (P) indicates primary insurance and (S) indicates secondary insurance.
Insurance information appears (highlighted in yellow) followed by the name, ID code, and ID number for each provider with an identification code entered for an insurance carrier (highlighted in pink). This information is pulled from the Provider ID Setup dialog box in Dentrix.
For additional information, see the Joining Insurance Carriers and Deleting Insurance Carriers topics in the Dentrix Help.