
Maintain accurate and timely records with automated real-time transfer.


eSync is an information transfer tool that allows Dentrix to integrate and communicate with eServices and other software. It improves the efficiency of many daily tasks by allowing the real-time transfer of data between workstations, network servers, programs and eSync plug-ins.

eServices that rely on eSync


Electronic explanation of benefit reporting is imported into Dentrix automatically using eSync.

Appointment confirmations

(eCentral Communication Manager)
Patient appointment confirmations from email, text message or postcard reminders automatically update the Dentrix Appointment Book using eSync.

Credit and debit card transactions

(PowerPay and PowerPayLE EMV)
All PowerPay 5.0 and PowerPayLE EMV credit and debit card transactions that are processed through Dentrix are done so using eSync.

Dentrix Mobile

Remote insurance eligibility verifications and appointment confirmations are updated in Dentrix using eSync.

Electronic Questionnaires

(eCentral Website Manager)
Completed patient questionnaires submitted from online forms or an in-office kiosk are delivered to the front desk by eSync.

Insurance eligibility verification

(eCentral Insurance Manager)
Insurance eligibility information that is delivered to the Dentrix Appointment Book, Patient File and Document Center is imported automatically using eSync.

Address Correction Reporting

Address corrections identified during the QuickBill’s validation process are reported back to the front desk by eSync.

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