Title: Medical Billing: Your Key to Getting YES to Implants and Oral Surgery
Duration: 60 minutes
Available On Demand
Is the cost of treatment getting in the way of your patients getting the care they need? Are you placing implants or performing other oral surgery procedures that greatly exceed your patient's dental benefits? If so, join Crystal May as she demonstrates how medical insurance could be the key to getting more yeses to treatment. She will explain the basics of coding for common oral surgery procedures:
Tap into a new payment source with medical billing, and help your patients while strengthening your practice.
Crystal May is the co-founder and COO of Devdent. She is dedicated to helping dental practices be successful in dental sleep medicine and medical billing. She has over 17 years of medical billing experience, 15 years with an emphasis on dentistry, and 10 years on airway and sleep. Crystal is a leading educator and has presented at hundreds of events for major corporations and organizations. She owns and manages multiple dental practices, holds multiple US and international patents, has developed several software products specifically designed for dental offices, and has started companies that help practices with the successful implementation of dental sleep medicine and medical billing. Crystal's mission is to educate every dentist in the country about their opportunity and obligation to help identify sleep disorders in their patients.