Medical billing is an essential tool in dentistry today. Technological advances in dentistry have provided more ways than ever to screen, diagnose and treat health conditions that affect the entire body. Have you ever thought about how an active infection, periodontal disease or even occlusion could affect health? What about how health conditions like diabetes, acid reflux and sleep affect the mouth?
Much of what “general” dentistry is doing today is actually a medical procedure, so why wouldn’t you bill it to medical insurance? Several dental procedures are actually required to be billed to medical first. Besides, it’s a well-known fact that today's dental benefits can’t cover even a fraction of many dental cases. If you can get patient access to medical benefits, lower out-of-pocket costs and reserve the precious dental benefits for basic dental procedures, your patients can say yes to the treatment they need.
Join Crystal May, Co-Founder of Imagn Solutions and medical billing expert and Dayna Johnson, Founder and CEO of Novonee® and a Dentrix Certified Trainer, for a free one-hour webinar to learn how medical billing can increase case acceptance.
During this free webinar, you will learn:
And you will receive a free ""Quick Finder"" coding sheet just for attending.
Don't miss this opportunity to learn what medical billing can do for your practice.